University of Oran 1, ALGERIA
Title: Analysis of basidiocarp extracts with antifungal and biostimulant effect, by high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC)
Biography: Yasmine AIT HAMADOUCHE
The present work aims at the valorisation of basidiocarps by studying their prolific products with antifungal potential and biostimulant effect. A collection of basidiocarps belonging to 16 genera of basidiomycetes was carried out in northwestern Algeria. These are the following fungi: Lactarius zonarioides, Amanita proxima, Amanita virosa, Agaricus bisporus, Suillus mediterraneensis, Boletus sp., Xerocomus sp.,
Coprinus atramentarius, Pleurotus ostreatus, P. pulmonarius, P. eryngii, P. dryinus, Lepiota sp., Cortinarius orellanus, Armillaria mellea and Trametes quercina. The ethylacetate extracts of these basidiocarps are tested in vitro on the mycelial growth of 3 phytopathogenic strains (Verticillium dahliae, Fusarium oxysporum f. sp.albedinis and Aspergillus niger), which showed the antifungal effect of the extracts mainly from: A.proxima, A. virosa, A. mellea, T.quercina, P. pulmonarius and Lepiota sp.
High performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) was used to determine the chemical profile of basidiomycete extracts, noting the presence of Flavone in A. bisporus, Boletus sp., P. dryinus, S. mediterraneensis, C.atramentarius, T. quercina and Xerocomus sp.; flavonols (Rutin and Galangin, Myricetin, Quercetin) in P.ostreatus, C.atramentarius, and P. dryinus; tannic acid in S. mediterraneensis and α-tocopherol in Boletus sp.
Finally, the biostimulatory effect of basidiomycetes extracts was tested on the growth of aubergine under hydroponic conditions. The majority of the extracts showed a significant effect on plant growth. Indeed, EXT10 (Boletus sp.) was the only stimulator of all growth parameters of the aubergine plant, EXT15 (P.ostreatus) stimulated all growth parameters except PFA and PSA EXT1 (L. zonarioides), EXT2 (A.proxima), EXT 3 (A.virosa) EXT6 (C. atramentarius), EXT8 (Lepiota sp.), EXT9 (C. orellanus), EXT 12 (P. eryngii), EXT13 (P.dryinus) and EXT14 (A. mellea) stimulated all growth parameters except PSA. All the results and those presented in the chemical analysis, confirmed that our basidiocarp extracts develop a diversity of bioactive products of secondary metabolites that contribute to the growth of the plant thus offering it a strong agricultural potential. These compounds are called biostimulants and contribute to increasing plant yields.