Karin Moelling
Univ Zürich
Karin Moelling was trained as Physicist, she analyzed Retroviruses, including HIV/AIDS, oncogenes, cander and more recently microbiology and virome . She worked at the max Planck Inst Berlin and was Director and Prof at the Univ Zürich, from where she retired. She published more than 250 peer-reviewed papers, and published a book on HIV and recently on viruses, phages, giant viruses, microorganisms wth emphasis on the their role in other cases than disease: “More Freinds than Foes, fantastic stories about viruses†(World Scient.Press, 2016)
Research Interest
Mölling's research interests focused primarily on retroviruses, particular human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), on which she began work as a graduate student. She is well known for her discovery of the ribonuclease H activity of reverse transcriptase, which is required for viral proliferation.Her work in this area led to the development of a DNA-based candidate HIV vaccine for which she led clinical trials.She has also worked on oncogenes, leading to the isolation of the Myc transcription factor protein;on virus diagnostics; and more recently on the evolutionary history of retroviruses and retrotransposons.