Shlomit Kenigsberg
Biomedical consulting & Strategy
Shlomit Kenigsberg is an Independent Scientific Advisor. Her recent position is the Director of Scientific Affair in a leading Canadian company for Life-Sciences products, and a Senior Research Associate at Create Fertility Centre from Toronto Canada. She obtained her PhD studying DNA-methylation in the human malaria causing agent, Plasmodium falciparum, graduating in 2001, together with an MBA degree. Her first position was as a Product Manager for QIAGEN, an international BioTech company. She then accepted a Post-doctoral fellowship with the Department of Human Genetics at Ben-Gurion University, where she studied differential gene expression in polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS) using microarray technologies. This unique experience led her to join Create Fertility Centre in 2006 as a Senior Research Associate to establish a new reproductive biology research laboratory and basic research program. Her recent projects focused on isolation and characterization of exosomes from various body fluids and conditioned media in the IVF lab. The project included downstream applications such as small RNA qPCRs arrays, NGS technologies, bioinformatics analysis, and proteomics. Although her specialty is in Ovarian Biology, she was also involved in mesenchymal-stem cells (MSCs) and andrology related research projects.
Research Interest
Bio-Medical professional specializing in Exosomes, Reproductive Sciences BioBanking and Effective Lab Management.